Yukon Town Landmark
We definitely felt the after-effect of the storm as we pulled out from Best Western in the morning. It was very windy, overcast, and cold, 37 degrees F, as compared to the day before with 85 degrees F. We had decided to “sleep in”, have breakfast (included), and we didn’t hit the road until 10am. After only half-an-hour, we exited on to Route 66 for the first time on this trip. So exciting to finally be on the old Mother Road! It had been a long trip on the interstate.
The scenery changed immediately and after driving through Bethany, we reached Yukon, the birthplace of singer Garth Brooks and actor Dale Robertson. We parked the car and put on jackets before strolling down the main street of town. It was a small and quiet town with a big landmark, “Yukon’s Best Flour” mural, an old grain storage facility. There were antique shops, small clothing shops, and a couple of places to eat. Of course I had to go to the bathroom and I ventured into the only bar open at 10:30am, “The Horseshoe”. I was hesitant as the sign on the door said: “No weapons allowed. The possession of any and all dangerous weapons is prohibited on these premises.” It was a huge bar, lit only by the natural daylight from the dark windows, air thick of smoke. There were two older men and a younger woman at the bar, drinking beer and smoking. They cheerfully greeted me “Howdy!” as I entered and showed me the way to the restroom. On my way out, they asked me where I was from and as we started chatting, the older gentleman (owner) showed me his pictures on the bar wall. He told stories about how Yukon was in the 1930s and one picture revealed the bar we were standing in with horse & carriage outside. It was interesting to listen to their enthusiastic stories and I felt so welcome. I also learned that the indoor smoking law had not affected the south!