The Wigwam Village Motel
We were only a 20 minutes drive from the Arizona state line and managed to get a picture of the “famous sign.” Overall, I think we managed to take pictures of four of thirteen state signs we saw! Skipping through Lupton, Houck-Sanders, and Chambers-Navajo, Holbrook was the first place of interest to us. It was amazing to see how nature changed as we drove through Arizona. We could see the snow covered Rocky Mountains to the north, and the flat landscape we drove through in Texas and New Mexico changed to mountainous terrain in a variety of earthy colors from dark red to a light sandy-grey color. It was breathtaking! Holbrook is the home of the Wigwam Village Motel, resembling Native American teepees.
I didn’t have high expectations since I thought it was going to be very touristy and “cheap” looking, but when we went there
after lunch, I was surprised. The wigwams were situated in a U-formation around the reception office. Outside every wigwam was an old car ranging from Cadillac to Volkswagen Beetle, and the wigwams were much bigger than expected. There was a main door but inside were several rooms, more than enough beds for a large family. I would love to stay there on our next trip (yes, it will definitely be a next time). The town of Holbrook is also known for its dinosaur sculptures, more specifically the Rainbow Rock Shop with a collection. Although we didn’t go to the museum, we definitely saw plenty of dinosaurs around town.